However, the pregnancy rate experienced by couples using only spermicide is higher than that of couples using other methods.
But using spermicide is advised with diaphragms, cervical caps, or cervical shields.
This means that in 1 year, 29 out of 100 women who use spermicide as their only method of birth control get pregnant.
Some people are embarrassed to use spermicide and a barrier method or worry that it may interrupt foreplay or intercourse.
He did not disclose that he instructed women in the study to use spermicide with the Shield.
He used a condom or spermicide, sealed his hands with the second victim, but left DNA and latents with the first.
So if you can't use spermicide, you will need to find a different form of birth control.
The current recommendation is still for all diaphragm users to use spermicide with the device.