Even before the craftsmen started the paneling work, they prepared the wall with nearly military precision, using shims to even the walls.
You use shims like that to make adjustments in all kinds of machines.
Earlier models therefore required careful adjustment of the clearance between frame and mounts using shims.
The valve clearance is adjusted using shims.
He turned his attention to terrifying winter ascents, using hemp ropes, wooden shims and the clumsy pitons of his childhood.
To do this, use shims as described but place them next to the box's cutting slot.
The underfloor needs to be made flat either with levelling cement, very careful trowelling, or by using shims and a layer of masonite.
Place it in your designated area and use wooden shims to support the necessary areas, making the tub level.
Sixteen valves are operated by a chain-driven double overhead camshaft; valve clearances are adjusted using shims.
Isler's method (1985, 1987) is an incremental method and, in the Nova experiment (1992), used wooden shims or cribbing.