Organizational psychology scholars studying emotion typically use self-report responses to verbal questions to assess participants' current feeling or basic predisposition.
Also, companies use vague and inconclusive responses about the Fair Usage Policy and its implementation of different packages.
Instead of multiple choice tests with one correct answer, it used open written responses that were graded according to rubrics.
Lawyers on both sides had whittled the pool using responses to a 14-page questionnaire sent out in November.
Using responses to a series of statements, a score was calculated to provide an indicator of respondents' overall attitude to fuel efficiency.
The listener anticipates what comes next in the musical score, using flexible responses to move quicker or slower in response to a different part/beat of the music.
Using further responses from these a partial sample revealed 43,000 slaves.
The CIPD uses its research and the professional experience of its members to develop pragmatic, rather than political responses to public policy.
We can use political responses to deal with political problems.
To estimate the parameters of a set of items using responses of a sample of examinees.