Uniflite was the only boat builder exclusively using fire-retardant resins in the production of pleasure boats.
Another separation method uses polymeric resins as a polyelectrolyte.
"Using fewer resins is a relatively easy design concept," Mr. Cutler observed.
It is an alternative to using man-made ion-exchange resins, which cost ten times more than biosorbents.
Manufacturers have found that using natural resins can be expensive because harvesting them takes time and they are often rare and hard to find.
The textile industry uses formaldehyde-based resins as finishers to make fabrics crease-resistant.
Ironically, overseas producers are using resins from America to make those products.
Colgate also uses oil-based resins in packaging for its products.
He and the makeup artists did tests using certain glues and resins.
Dentists have used visible-light activated resins as adhesives for decades.