Problems that require some privacy in the data (typically cryptographic problems) can use randomization to ensure that privacy.
See below for an example algorithm for finding minimum cut using randomization.
Kempthorne was skeptical of "statistical models" (of populations), when such models are proposed by statisticians rather than created using objective randomization procedures.
These simulations are done by extending k into the future using randomization based on the standard error of k derived from the input data.
It was the first such scheme to use randomization in the encryption process.
Using randomization, it is possible to generate many examples of a similar nature that, if required, can also be self-grading against pupil performance.
A distributed approach for interference networks with link rates that are determined by the signal-to-noise-plus-interefernce ratio (SINR) can be carried out using randomization.
The following techniques use randomization prior to the start of the study to remove most of the problems cited earlier.
Survey sampling uses randomization, following the criticisms of previous "representative methods" by Jerzy Neyman in his 1922 report to the International Statistical Institute.
However, industry sponsored tests are more likely to use double-blind protocols and randomization, and more likely to preset study endpoints and mention adverse effects.