Monoclonal antibodies use proteins, known as "magic bullets," to attack infectious cells in the body.
Since computation time increases as square of the chain length, we chose to enlarge the training set using smaller proteins.
It will also use proteins (which muscles are made from) as a fuel source too, though the exact order of metabolism depends on many things.
If only Adobe or Microsoft would start using valid proteins as a base for registration keys.
But attempts to use proteins known as growth factors to spur the body to sprout new brain cells or blood vessels have failed.
They use animal-based proteins from sources such as chicken, egg, lamb, and fish.
Other imaging tests use radioactive proteins that bind to tumors.
But the new system uses only human genes and human proteins, Dr. Wilson said.
How did you get the idea of using proteins for analysis?
The tools that we are developing using proteins actually came out of cancer research.