Subsidies would be better spent on more practical things, like new thermostats insulation and furnaces which use petroleum.
Do not use petroleum jelly, mineral oil, or other oils.
Often this energy is used directly as heat such as in home heaters, which use either petroleum or natural gas.
This is far more environmentally, socially, economically and politically benign than any hybrid system that uses petroleum.
However, many peaker plants are able to use petroleum as a backup fuel.
Do not use petroleum jelly, which can cause the O-rings to deteriorate.
"And did you also use petroleum for fuel?"
He or she also may use petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, to protect normal tissue near the warts from irritation.
Over the longer run, he predicted breakthroughs on much cleaner fuels that may be produced without using petroleum.
The impact on the textile industry, which uses petroleum in synthetic fibers, could also be strong.