About 19 million Americans are now using pagers, and 73 percent of company-owned vehicles have cellular phones.
How easy is the keyboard for transactions" when you use little two-way pagers?
American hip-hop fans, using two-way pagers, spontaneously appear for parties.
They use numeric pagers which have been pre-programmed with specific codes for each type of message.
More than 40 million Americans use pagers, which allow people to receive text and numeric messages almost anywhere at any time.
I thought of using pagers, decided the situation was not that urgent.
A fellow behind us asked his friend, "Who still uses pagers?"
They can supersede the need to use more limited cellphones, pagers and walkie-talkies.
Try using two-way pagers to decrease the use of cell phones.
Teenage dealers were now using electronic pagers to signal one another.