The Chinese people had used opium as medicine for years, but in the 1830's and 40's its use as a drug expanded.
Percy Shelley was said by scholars to have used opium to alter his state of thinking and free his mind.
You know, a lot of epileptics use opium to treat their symptoms.
He used bark and opium to relieve her symptoms.
After eight years of using opium, he said he needs about $3 a day to maintain a level mood, more to get high.
A woman who uses opium (powerful drug) asks him what his first name is.
She said she stopped four times while using opium, once for three months.
At age 15, he began drinking alcohol, and using opium, chloroform, and other drugs.
The number of people using opium in China grew rapidly, to the point that the trade imbalance shifted in the foreign countries' favour.
Alternative theories trace the word's origins to those who used opium recreationally in the 19th century.