It's in this atmosphere that he uses his personality to his advantage.
Later in the book, Wintermute uses his personality to talk with Case and Molly.
Technique allows you to make the notes come through, to do what the composer asks, and to interpret the music by using your own personality.
But above all, a coach must use his own unique personality for you cannot be what you are not.
Namuth used his outgoing personality and persistence to photograph many important artistic figures at work in their studios.
Mr. Quattrone uses his personality almost as a calling card, a tool to remind clients that he's there.
"I can't say that I consciously or deliberately tried to use his personality," she replies.
He used his bombastic personality to help his team gain any possible advantage on the baseball diamond.
He used his personality to charm the friendly and disarm opponents.
You're not required to do anything manual, you simply use your voice and your terrifying personality.