Then he stood up, used his handkerchief forcibly and wandered away from the table.
I went to the phone, used my handkerchief to lift the receiver, and dialed.
I went back and flushed the paper down the john, using my handkerchief to turn the handle.
Using his handkerchief as a glove, Allen let himself out.
When I came downstairs he had to use his handkerchief a lot.
He used his handkerchief to open the transom, to reverse the key and lock the door from the outside.
Even in the absence of any native, she used her handkerchief to mask the act.
He did so, using his handkerchief, which he pulled from under the weapon.
Ford, who had caught a head cold during the drive back from Canada, used his handkerchief.
The hotel doorman who got her a cab needed to use his handkerchief.