Kadri uses Jazuli's belief in spirits to control him, manipulating his boss to fire numerous employees - including Fauzi, who is able to become a successful businessman with Jasin's help.
Adam and the men manage to kill the satyr by using their belief in white magic.
But a true hero wouldn't use her mistaken belief to his own advantage, as he was about to do.
Rastafarians can use their religious belief that marijuana is a sacrament as a defense against drug possession charges, a Federal appeals court ruled today.
During her time at Arthurdale, Clapp used Dewey's belief that community was the starting point for democracy.
Gary then uses Elvis' belief in the supernatural to convince him that he is Jesse (Elvis's twin brother who died at birth).
It was to the Spaniards' advantage to use the Indians' belief in Quetzalcoatl's return.
He uses the Viking's belief in fate (wyrd) as a backdrop to his message for Christian order.
Flint's interest was in making connections with independent-minded Slaves, so that he could explain his situation and use their belief as a lever to compel the attention of the Masters.