The financial problems of the club left it with no much choice than to start using younger players.
Until the end of his life, Brown never thought he had done anything but the logical thing in using black players.
A good coach should know that one could not use the same lineup and players against every team.
"We try to stick to our philosophy of using local players to make sure that they have a place to play after college."
This was tough on a player used to being an axis.
His plan is to use young players who will grow into a contender.
This was reflected in their team selections, with 23 players being used during the series.
It's a telling response for a player used to acting from a position of strength.
From 1999 to 2009, Despite a very low operating budget, he has been able to keep his teams competitive, almost always using young players.
They may also use injured players or coaches on a one off basis.