"If criminal investigations are closed, he can longer make use of his right to silence."
It's quite an interesting use of your right to free speech to call a large group of people rapists.
It made liberal use of its right to decide administratively according to occasion and necessity.
Timm made use of his right to participate in the training sessions but he had not been given a shirt number for the 2011-12 season.
They said that, like the prosecution, he should make use of his right to present evidence in writing.
"Do you wish, at this time, to make use of your right to an attorney or representative?"
Yeah well, if they didn't make use of their absolute right to do so, who on earth would you have left to patronise?
"In the trial, I make use of my right to remain silent," he said.
Mr President, after this memorable, perhaps even historic weekend, we should be making even more use of our right to ask questions.
He made frequent use of his right to dissolve Parliament.