Discant style is characterised by the use of rhythmic modes throughout each part.
As a result, the use of ramping modes has become more mainstream, and is allowed in some recreational games and some tournaments.
The use of "minor modes" enables further customization.
Over the same period in art music the use of modes was largely supplanted by use of major and minor keys.
Other countries provided legislation to allow use of similar frequencies and operating modes.
In the media, multimodality is the use of several modes (media) in a single artifact.
By emphasizing different stases through the use of different modes, writers are able to further engage their audience in creating comprehension.
The finale is a lively dance in duple time, making much use of pentatonic scales and modes.
The fact that the L-shaped structure strongly leaks may also be related to another leakage mechanism: the use of leaky higher modes.
Sports games sometimes make use of different modes for different parts of the game.