He championed a "cinema for the millions", which would use clear, linear narration.
The film at times uses double voice-over narration, where the audience hears both Will's and Marcus's thoughts.
It is notable for telling a story without using any humans or narration.
Audio descriptions use narration to describe the action in the video for users with visual disabilities.
Open is a scene using a suggestion from the audience and does not use narration.
In so many movies, he uses narration and letters or books.
Rather than using narration to tell the story, Kopple chose to let the words and actions of these people speak for themselves.
"Yosemite" succeeds because it uses narration in a fresher way.
On several occasions the director uses voice-over narration by a character to push the story forward.
What was the thinking behind not only using 1st-person narration - but also a travelogue framework?