Using mulch as if it were raw pigment, Ms. Miller has inscribed a message in the shoreline at the foot of Clark Street, where the sand, grasses and shells frame "On the Beach."
If you can't plant annuals right now, you can use mulch as a decorative ground cover.
Playgrounds with equipment that children may fall off often use mulch on the ground to help cushion the impact.
Evaporation from soil accounts for 25-50% of water used in irrigation, using plastic mulch prevents much of this evaporation and thus reduces the amount of water needed to grow the crop.
Protocols to prevent the disease from entering gardens include sourcing plants from non-dieback infested areas (not local bushland), using sterilised potting mixes, and using only mulch that has been properly composted.
Control of existing Phytophthora infestations includes injecting or spraying plants with phosphite (a fungicide), using well-composted mulch, and using pre-planting techniques such as solarisation or biofumigation.
But if one is using "green mulch", even grass or clover, the odds are that they will make what's called an "inappropriate landing" on some green thing they don't want.
Mr. Bugbee is a soil optimist, a genuine believer in people's abilities to build soil using compost, mulch, manure, leaf clippings and other natural additives - as well as elbow grease.
The benefits from using plastic mulch come at a higher cost than planting in bare soil.
He spends long hours weeding, but resists using weed-smothering mulch.