But how can you use misdirection in a car making westing a full degree every seven minutes?
Pool hustlers use deception and misdirection in order to win cash from inexperienced players (or skilled players inexperienced with the world of hustling).
The Dolphins' game plan on offense was to use misdirection, negative-influence traps, and cross-blocking to exploit the Vikings defense's excellent pursuit.
It is possible however to perform the effect without ever covering the legs, by using misdirection.
We use the belly series, which utilizes fakes to the belly, and reverses and misdirection and deception.
In an effort to do that, the campaign uses humorous misdirection to grab the attention of consumers.
In many cases, the trick uses misdirection, a basic tool of the stage magician.
From experience, I knew that he used misdirection the same way magicians used it.
She used illusion, disguise, and misdirection to confuse the slaadi who came to reclaim the items.
Deliberately, the results were made varied; the Great Race may have used misdirection to confuse whatever terrible search they -worked so desperately to evade.