Using mime, actors transformed themselves into mythological beasts, musical instruments and souls flying off to heaven.
The boys learn to communicate, using words and mime.
Eat in Duong Dong market or with hawkers, using mime, for about $1.50 a meal.
He very rarely did use mime.
Sometimes, in the beginning, using mime until he was sure Shef understood.
He then had to tell the same story again using only mime.
All are visited during the presentation, which uses mime, movement and narration, as well as song, to dramatize various cultures' stories and poems.
Bouncers' relies little on props or scenery, using mime and the audience's imagination to create the world of the nightclub.
The company's acting style often uses physical theatre, mime and chorus work.
This might include giving another character a name, identifying a relationship, location, or using mime to define the physical environment.