He used magnification, and saw the hole which gaped astern by her drive cones.
When using higher magnification, they appear as tiny, 50 Å thick fibrils irregularly twisted along the axis of the threads.
Beyond that you'll probably want a spotting scope, which is basically a telescope mounted on a tripod which uses greater magnification.
After staining, the monolayer is viewed under a microscope using magnification up to 1000x.
He could see individual buildings now, when he used full magnification.
Strikers use magnification when at play.
Mr. Sulu, find a spot that's clear of ships and use maximum magnification.
However the solar disc is too bright at that time to use magnification such as binoculars or telescopes to look directly at the Sun.
And each order can see only two orders smaller than itself, by using extreme magnification.
The gun uses the OP-2-7 sight with 5.5x magnification for day combat.