It has been suggested that I use pressure-treated lumber.
So if you want to know when it's better to use untreated lumber, the answer is almost always.
The design used raw exposed lumber, shipping containers, and tents.
If you wish, surround the top and cover the vertical edges also, using 1-by-2-inch lumber or molding.
For projects using new lumber, buy a combination crosscutting and ripping blade with 18 to 24 teeth.
Surely these houses use lumber and it must take carpenters to build them.
"They use lumber, all right, and someone builds them, but we don't know who it is."
For forms, use either solid lumber or thick plywood.
We were to use local lumber for most of our construction, you see.
Since he had over 40,000 soldiers at his disposal, they built the first bridge in only 10 days using local lumber.