It uses wins and losses but also uses game location as a factor.
The process has used all the gains and losses.
For example, the company will be able to use past losses to offset taxes.
Companies will no longer be able to use losses in one year to get refunds of taxes paid in prior years.
The company is allowed to use past losses to reduce its tax liabililty.
This means the average rate of return for corporate investors will be 3 to 5 percent higher than for individuals, who cannot use passive losses.
They can, for instance, try to time sales of securities, using losses to offset gains and minimize their tax bills.
Under the law, he noted, a taxpayer can use such losses to offset profits for up to 15 years.
The practice involves using losses from subsidiaries to reduce taxes.
This allows businesses to use losses from previous years to reduce tax liability during these difficult economic times.