And the restaurant stopped using plastic liners in the bathroom wastebaskets.
The Little design uses small, super-hard liners for the fuel-injector nozzles, made of diamond, silicon carbide or tungsten carbide.
Many of these techniques rely upon materials science applications of constructing sound baffles or using sound-absorbing liners for interior spaces.
For example, you could use different moulded liners with standard boxes to accommodate various products.
New materials have changed the landscape for water gardens - using flexible liners or preformed pool, anyone can plan and plant their own water garden.
Another difference is that many ramjet combustors do not use liners like gas turbine combustors do.
"One week later, and I'd have had to teach you to use panty liners."
He also advises clients to use liners in cat boxes.
Up to this point ship owners had occasionally used liners for off-season cruising.
Paul exclaimed, "they use Orion-type liners on the Venus runs.