They fought a smaller, slimmer people who used slings and small javelins.
"I don't understand why Kauld would use javelins now," he called over the pounding noises and sparking.
They used spears and javelins and chose either a long sword or a long dagger for closer fighting.
He also uses javelins with a grappling hook and an explosive setting on occasion.
Javelineers are generally considered to be an archer/melee hybrid, using powerful javelins at range and a spear/buckler combination in melee combat.
The Greeks did not only use javelins on the field of war.
The weapon's name comes from a traditional Turkish horseback game, Cirit, where two teams of riders fight a mock battle using wooden javelins.
He used javelins as stand alone objects and has also used them to work into other the themes.
The infantry could also use javelins and long spears.
The Thracians fought as peltasts using javelins and crescent or round wicker shields.