Various multiple use items can be found throughout the game that will increase stats or cause certain effects for three consecutive turns.
Each of the technologies on the order list, the expert said, had plausible uses both for nuclear and nonnuclear programs, making them "dual use" items.
An employer generally is not obligated to provide personal use items such as eyeglasses or hearing aids.
Personal use items (those above the $10,000 exemption described above).
Many of the parts produced at the plant are "dual use" items, which means they have legitimate uses as well as illegal ones.
There are no magic points in the game, all spells take the form of one-time use items instead.
And how the embargo on military and dual use items would be enforced is not quite clear either.
The arms embargo of South Africa from 1977 extended to dual use items.
The officials contend they are "dual use" items, civilian goods that could be used for military purposes.
On the contrary, some very cheap dual use items might be of great risk if they get into the wrong hands.