Magnesium kinetics in adolescent girls determined using stable isotopes: effects of high and low calcium intake.
They have been dated using radioactive isotopes as the most recent of Brazilian igneous rocks ( 19 million years).
Under her direction, the world's first studies were conducted into the treatment of neoplasms, using radioactive isotopes.
Using heavy isotopes to make it last a little longer.
A new method for determining temperature using isotopes is now being applied to dinosaurs, and promises to provide hard data that could advance the debate.
Researchers can refine their ability to pinpoint locations by using multiple isotopes with different specificities.
Combustion of carbon monoxide in older versus newer cars is easy to spot using isotopes.
Nuclear medicine uses radioactive isotopes for the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
With other scientists, he used isotopes to examine the biochemical pathway by which glucose is broken down.
Scientists have evaluated turnover of bodily constituents using radiotracer methods and stable isotopes.