The use of track cant can only be applied where the speed of the train is fixed in advance.
It is not suggested this use of roman numerals was applied at the time.
The first use of the nickname "Tin Goose" was applied to this aircraft by the news media.
Such use of the second last name by itself is colloquial, however, and may not be applied in legal contexts.
Early in the study of plant hormones, "phytohormone" was the commonly used term, but its use is less widely applied now.
Most uses of the term are applied to young children, as a reference to a mischievous or talkative child.
Its use has since been applied in other contexts within the British beer sector.
More recently, the use of embryonic stem cells has also been applied to tendon repair.
By the 18th century, a similar use was applied to harnesses or equipment used with horses.
A special use of Analyses Support is applied to ongoing business operations.