Kuwait is not using its oil or vast foreign investments as collateral.
It is good for taxpayers, using small public investments to unleash billions from private businesses to create jobs.
While most efforts to use investments to further social goals are associated with liberal causes, the concept is not tied to a specific ideology.
More investors are joining class-action lawsuits against funds that used exotic investments like derivatives, lawyers say.
In addition to customized retirement plans using high-quality investments and technical guidance, Diversified offers administrative services.
Instead, they have turned to complex strategies using derivative investments that allow them to hedge bets without putting direct pressure on falling prices.
They want to use the infrastructure, work and investments of Telmex.
Our intention is to use existing Community programmes and investments to implement the specific measures adopted, since we have to move quickly.
A sustainable common market can be achieved faster by using investments in the area of cohesion policy and with structural investments.
The losses came from a series of failed bets using risky derivative investments held in off-balance-sheet vehicles.