Using archeological investigations, research, and interviews with locals, informations about the monuments were systematically gathered, while the monuments were photographed by Iskender.
The Tax Credit Office tries to deal with tax credit fraud using civil investigations whenever possible.
They'll only use criminal investigations in very serious cases where:
Facing hard times, some try to avoid paying severance by using intimidating sick-leave investigations, including questioning of friends and neighbors, to drive off unwanted workers.
Bills in the Duma would let Mr. Putin use such investigations as cause to dismiss elected local chief executives and legislatures.
As part of the operation, 35 customs agents from throughout the country were assigned to work with 15 internal affairs specialists to ferret out corruption, using undercover investigations if needed.
Civil Rights A look at how we use investigations and intelligence to address one our top priorities.
White, reiterating what he had written in Ferber, acknowledged that child pornography was a social evil and that the government could use undercover investigations to enforce laws against it.
Management involves general measures to stabilize the patient while also using specific investigations and treatments.