Its use in a Volkswagen commercial introduced Clannad to an American audience.
The use of an emulator introduces a machine learning problem, which can be difficult if the response of the model is highly nonlinear.
This suggests that the use of decimal instead of binary introduced some inefficiency.
But use of the test over several years introduces a caveat, she said.
The increasing use of biofuel has introduced another challenge in fuel management.
The rampant use of antibiotics in factory farming has introduced them into our daily diet.
In addition to the potentially misleading double negative, some said, the use of the phrase "extermination" introduced another ambiguity, since not all Jews were killed.
I believe that, on the contrary, the use of calculators would introduce extraneous inequities in the examination.
The increased use of coinage ultimately introduced monetary tribute.
The use of different producers on different tracks introduced further difficulties.