Moreover, string and wind players can use expressive intonation, changing the pitch of a note to create a musical or dramatic effect.
However, using true and expressive intonation requires careful coordination with the other players, especially when a piece is going through harmonic modulations.
You have to know how to use intonation when you speak to a prisoner.
In his poetry, he used rhythm, stress, and intonation to achieve a sense of motion.
Mr. Young (and others who have followed his example) uses "just intonation" in which tuning is precise.
Using just intonation eliminates 'beats' (waves in a pitch), often heard when various instruments seem to be playing out of tune.
Generalisations such as these are, however, too broad, and foreign learners do not find it easy to learn to use intonation through studying them.
You sold him using nothing but intonation, bearing, and gesture.
With the rain beating at the trees and the wind whistling there was no chance of José using intonation as a warning.
Pronunciation refers to the ability to use the correct stress, rhythm, and intonation of a word in a spoken language.