The professors took an existing study of business students' ethics and replicated it using inmates taking courses at three Midwestern prisons.
In 2006, the prison's administration began operating a restaurant within the prison, using inmates as staff, as a rehabilitation scheme.
He proposed completing construction on the prison using inmates as the laborers.
Michael Salvatore developed the idea of using inmates to pick up recyclables when he was the assistant superintendent of Mountainview.
As an advocate of prisoners' working for the public good, Mr. Salvatore thought it was only natural to use inmates in the recycling program.
In the hospital, Young studied medical texts, improving his knowledge of poisons, and continued experiments using inmates and staff (one of whom died).
Mengele used Auschwitz as an opportunity to continue his research on heredity, using inmates for human experimentation.
Using inmates would put the reservation cost somewhere between $3 and $15, probably $5 to $6.
He has apologized for the jackets and for bringing nonprison officials along on the ride, but he defends the practice of using inmates as quarry.
Checks with 16 state prison systems found that only Texas and Florida used inmates to train tracking dogs.