In addition, the officials recalled, Israel had used previous elections in the occupied territories to identify leaders with popular support and then deport them.
The Presbyterian Church never reached the point of divesting from companies that it said provided military equipment or technology for Israel to use in the territories.
They were made entirely of zinc, which was a cheap metal commonly used in the German-held territories for occupation currency.
For example, he continued the practice of using the Sultan's name at Friday prayers in the newly captured territories.
Several countries condemned the level of force used by Israel in the occupied territories.
Second, the "get tough" approach resembles tactics used by Israelis in the occupied territories.
"How can we believe Israel wants peace with all the oppressive measures they are using in the occupied territories?"
Stamps date from 1876, with the same key type design of the Portuguese crown as used elsewhere in the Portuguese territories.
C-4 has also been used in many of the Palestinian suicide bombings in Israel and the Israeli-occupied territories.
Mr. Rabin, at Brookings, kept saying that Israel used its military power in the occupied territories only to stop "terror."