Probably deriving from Thucydides, it was used in the later Roman Empire for people with great authority.
Finally, though, the old boy confessed that it was the result of a spell, one used successfully in the Empire for centuries.
Teleportation like that took one hell of a lot of power, which was one reason it wasn't more commonly used in the Empire.
They did most of their work on foreign soil, but could certainly be used in the Empire if the situation warranted.
It was used in the Holy Roman Empire between approximately 800 and 1200.
These older types of bass trombone were used in Europe and the British Empire.
Governor-in-chief was a title used in the British Empire for certain colonial governors, usually where authority was held over more than one colony.
The rank dates to Antiquity and was also used in the Byzantine Empire.
Henryk and I did use contacts in the Empire to set it up, but they weren't with the Navy.
The cycle track was used in the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games.