It is used in ships for safety in foggy conditions.
The engine is aimed to be used in cogeneration, automobiles, ships, and many other areas.
This is significantly lower compared to steel hydrogen containers (used in cars and ships) which can sustain 500 to 700 bar.
This was another concept introduced by Frahm and used in several ships in the early 1900s.
Since the 1910s they have been used in submarines and ships.
They don't use fusion only in ships.
Are motors being remounted, or stolen to be used in ships so that a few more of Halrloprillalar's race may escape?
Similar devices are used in Aurora-class ships, for use on extended voyages.
Its first use was for large diesel engines in locomotives, but it is also widely used in ships.
Their life-support systems could be used in space stations, ships or planetary outposts.