Yugi's speech patterns are polite and he uses honorifics almost all the time.
For instance, it is disrespectful to not use polite language and honorifics when speaking in Japanese with someone having a higher social status.
She is a kind person who uses honorifics when addressing children.
Despite members' impressive roster of accomplishments, they never use honorifics.
And he's not using honorifics because there's only one person out here he uxsutd say "sir" to.
As discussed above, sports will not use honorifics for players but will for officials.
It is also rare to use titles or other honorifics in the sauna.
In fact, the ability to use honorifics in China is now seen as a display of social status.
In other words, educated people tend to rigidly use honorifics as a display of their status.
One way of using honorifics is to use special "honorific" nouns in place of regular ones.