This is used by all Old Paths ecclesias without amendment from the days of Robert Roberts.
That remained its signal selling point to those who covertly used this evidently decaying example of industrial architecture from the bad old days.
Capital letters have been widely used in printed headlines from the early days of newspapers until the 1950s.
Photoanimation techniques, as stated above, were used from the very early days of motion pictures but not at this level of sophistication and complexity.
Aged using a process from the early days of the Korean empire.
Particular emphasis was placed on the water tube boiler, as opposed to the fire tube boiler used from the earliest days of steam.
The 'current rental index' figure is calculated using data from the previous 90 days and is re-calculated on a daily basis.
Tape recording technology was used from the early days of computing to store digital information.
Both have the same medicinal properties, but salad burnet has been much used in salads, from the days of the Elizabethans.
Mass media have been widely used by Dravidian politicians from the early days of the parties.