The poem is a cautionary tale against those who use flattery and charm to disguise their true evil intentions.
Antiochus, using flattery and treachery, took the place of his nephew, Demetrius, as king even though he was not the rightful heir.
Mattie uses flattery to persuade Ethan to take a suicide run with her.
Elizabeth is a cold, grasping, devious shrew, who knows how to use flattery and a young gell's innocence to hold her captive.
Knowing he would likely fail to press the warriors into the army he came up with plan to use his greatest strengths, flattery and treachery.
It was said that he was quiet, and that whenever he met with friends, he would not use flattery to please them.
Am I comfortable using flattery, guilt and fear as persuasion triggers?
"He's right," Marcus said with an easy smile, "even if he is using flattery to divert from the fact that he's kept me here after closing."
You don't have to use flattery to get me on board, Pierce.
Doral admonished himself to be wary of using too much flattery.