Logue used fees paid to him by wealthy clients to subsidise patients who could not afford to pay.
"They were using so-called 'fees' out of here to prop up their business at home."
Under current Indiana law, no public money can be used for abortions, but some public hospitals perform the procedure by using fees and private donations.
"You can't use somebody's intellectual property without the appropriate license and fees."
One way the agency hopes to convince inventors of the new plan is to use carrot-and-stick fees.
Military families have complained to the media that the company's representatives use deceptive selling techniques and hidden fees and charges.
In rural areas, water tariffs are being introduced using flat fees per household in the absence of metering.
However, using fees that were lower than industry standards, the firm was able to secure investors.
The other would bar public employee labor unions from using dues or fees for political contributions unless members provided written consent.
Outside of Manhattan, brokerage firms are also using lower fees to capture business.