The use of popular images enables the viewer to access his work on an emotional rather than an intellectual level.
Increased use of our scientific, communication and training skills will enable us to play an even more active part in Community research in future years.
The growing use of modern investigators by law firms, banks and major corporations has enabled many in the business to earn $100,000 a year.
However, careful use of the strategy cards will enable other players to delay or even stop a player saving for victory.
It was argued earlier that only the use of higher level knowledge will enable any additional success.
His use of the cable had simply enabled him to accomplish another detail.
The use of disguises will enable you to move about more freely.
The use of this recording method enables digital images to be recorded on a Hi8 tape.
The use of principles enables managers to deal with causes and their effects in different time frames.
Because the federation enables the use of a shorter way to reach the same goals.