Even this interrupt signalling uses emulation; one of the emulated devices is an interrupt controller.
"Customers clearly make a big tradeoff when they use emulation," Mr. Muth said.
The reasoning behind using emulation instead of real hardware was cost and demand.
Odin does not use emulation or a compatibility layer.
Most Amiga enthusiasts have only been able to play the game in recent years using emulation.
Commercial developers have also used emulation as a means to repackage and reissue older games on newer consoles in retail releases.
Usually uses emulation to produce sound, some of trackers also can use real sound chips connected to host system.
It uses server-side terminal emulation and WebSockets for client/server communication.
Initially it required an additional processor on an PC expansion card, later it was run using emulation.
By the early 1980s, branch offices and home workers were able to connect to organizational mainframes using personal computers and terminal emulation.