The process, although similar in many ways to direct writing using electrons, nevertheless offers some interesting and unique advantages.
Using cold electrons lowers the ratio to about 700.
In the early 1900s a significant alternative to light microscopy was developed, using electrons rather than light to generate the image.
Current computers use electrons which have two states, zero and one.
By the way, the same experiment using electrons instead of photons gives the same results.
Electron irradiation uses electrons accelerated in an electric field to a velocity close to the speed of light.
This reaction uses the protons and electrons, with the addition of oxygen gas, to produce water.
These use electrons from the oxidation of ammonia to produce energy.
Large microscopes that use electrons instead of light have been able to see single atoms as fuzzy pictures on film.
Maybe the way things work here was simply intolerable to minds using electrons to think with.