Shot on videotape using new editing and special effects techniques, it won an Emmy Award in 1961.
It's important information, but the whole series could have used higher production values and better editing.
The book could have used more meticulous editing.
He's trying to develop a style where he can create what he wants no matter who the actor is, using editing to propel the series.
Shot on videotape using new editing and special effects techniques, it won a 1962 Emmy Award.
McQueen's likeness was created using a body double and digital editing.
By several accounts, though, the actual result of using digital editing, while accelerating the process, is not especially different from the Moviola days.
His book could have used better editing, and the index is unreliable.
The series uses fast-paced editing and surreal pop culture references for comic effect.
The film moves slowly and could have used tighter editing.