In my case, the link was particularly personal because Majeed used my name during his wild flights of fancy in the taped conversation with the News of the World's undercover reporter.
This is used against predators as well as an energy rich food source for chicks and for the adults during their long flights.
(Though of course Southwest has long used humor as a selling tool, particularly during its flights: pilots are known to tell jokes over the public address system, and flight attendants engage in zany banter with passengers, sometimes even dressing in costumes.)
This stomach oil, stored in the proventriculus, is a digestive residue created in the foregut of all tubenoses except the diving petrels, and is used mainly for storage of energy-rich food during their long flights.
In 1904, his Brazilian friend Alberto Santos-Dumont, an early aviation pioneer, asked Louis Cartier to design a watch that could be used during his flights, since pocket watches were not suitable.