Only after the end of the Soviet Union was the church restored, using local funds and donations.
Experts say there is no harm in using such donations.
Using donations from around the world, the Baba has built two hospitals near here that provide free care to the poor.
Political finance experts said that party committees could use donations gathered from individuals to make limited contributions to a federal campaign.
The congregation decided to rebuild, using an insurance settlement and donations.
Its role expanded early last year when it was hired using private donations.
Today (2009) the theater is undergoing reconstruction, using private donations of money, supplies and labor.
People conceived using donations made after 1 April 2005 will have the right to know who their donor was when they turn 18.
After all, the Louvre uses private donations rather than government funds to make its most expensive acquisitions.
And they are using private donations instead of tax money to finance it.