By gathering information and using deduction and logic, the players can determine which cards were removed to win the game.
Because this argument only uses deduction, the claim about two lines must be true in both of our models: standard geometry and computer networks.
To further those objectives, we will use presentation, discussion, question and answer, argument, and deduction.
One cannot use deduction, the usual process of moving logically from premise to conclusion, because there is no syllogism that allows this.
But first-I've been using deduction, and then induction.
Theologians usually use reason and deduction to prove the existence, unity and oneness of God.
Borges' fictional book requires the reader to use deduction to determine the correct order of reading, rather than providing instructions like the modern gamebook.
People use logic, deduction, and induction, to reach conclusions they think are true.
Using deduction is what makes mathematical thinking different from other kinds of thinking.
Theorems use deduction, in contrast to theories which are empirical.