The notion of using crops for things other than food and fiber is as old as agriculture.
Companies, he said, would not want to risk their brands by using biotech crops if they thought there was even a slight chance of consumer rejection.
Business Technology Interest is growing in using crops like corn and soybeans for new products.
A strong debate is brewing about the science and ethics of using crops to make fuel rather than food.
Using agricultural crops rather than wood has the added advantage of reducing deforestation.
Every fall season Rock City creates a maze using crops of corn in the valley below the gardens.
Using crops for fuel rather than food as a way to combat climate change, is a key factor in pushing up food prices.
Using crops to fuel engines ultimately makes food more expensive.
Last year, Monsanto dropped plans to try to use genetically modified crops to produce pharmaceuticals.
But it is new because it uses different crops under different circumstances.