Do they spend more time using crayons and books than I did?
In the local children's centre at the age of six he began to use crayons, and his talent was recognised soon after.
He draws on butcher paper using crayons, pen and markers.
Passing citizens were encouraged to use spray paint, crayons, or whatever writing utensils nearby and add their own message of peace to the outer walls.
After a few years of using crayons, Arning switched to oil pastels and began producing more complex compositions.
The original game of Funkenschlag had players draw their networks using crayons instead of playing on a fixed map.
"I'm dying for some arts ideas other than using crayons on construction paper," he said.
Once while walking home from school, a couple of the football boys teased me about using crayons.
The therapy session began with the young women using crayons to draw pictures of their feelings.
He's learned all about how to use crayons and paints and clay there.