I had to start using control, not a good sign.
Today, more than 90 percent of Americans have used birth control.
And I can't understand what is wrong about using birth control.
"There are so many other ways to get the job done without using adult control."
"Why does the church consider it wrong to use birth control?"
Does the majority have the right to tell a couple that they can't use birth control?
Keep using birth control for at least 6 months after your treatment ends.
He used his remote control to back up the tape.
Using the television's special remote control, home players must pick an answer before time runs out.
Thus far, the Mayor has not used his heightened political control of the system to effect much change.
"Not since Stalin's funeral have I seen such a shameful use of troops to control the people."
Some brazing applications require the use of adequate fluxing agents to control cleanliness.
The campaign involved invasions of privacy and the use of technology to control behavior.
Its use will control the build-up of nitrates, reducing the need for large water changes.
Chemical control involves the use of herbicides to control diffuse knapweed.
These tasks involve the use of different kinds of devices to control a display on the computer monitor.
It means only the use of physical means to control pests.
The game makes use of a simple, one-touch system to control the acceleration of the jetpack.
Most simulators allow the use of real R/C transmitters to control the sim.
The most common use for this technique is controlling the path of a stream of electrons in a vacuum.