He was accused of not using bloodhounds, and when he did eventually bring them in he was accused of being obsessed with them.
Dozens of police officers using helicopters and bloodhounds searched in Flushing for three men observed leaving the scene.
I'd even use bloodhounds, if there were anywhere to use them.
Lt. Nikas said that "a comprehensive investigation was conducted," including canvassing the neighborhood, using bloodhounds and tracing phone calls.
The police flooded the area with officers, using bloodhounds and helicopters to aid in the search.
Police had looked for him, going door to door to no fewer than 871 apartments in the building in which he was trapped, using bloodhounds and cadaver-detecting dogs.
About two hours later, the police, using bloodhounds, tracked the man to Beach 20th Street and Mott Avenue, the sergeant said.
They used bloodhounds to try to match a scent from the letters to suspects, including Dr. Hatfill, though some dog handlers said the technique was unreliable.
Lem told him about the hundred men from Marine Intelligence units who were still combing the foothills, dressed as civilians, using high-tech tracking gear and, in some cases, bloodhounds.
On the third day she was missing, Mr. O'Looney said, the police began a full investigation, using bloodhounds, interviewing friends looking at phone records, even trying to track down an ex-boyfriend.